
Drop Off and Pick Up Directions

Safety is our primary focus when students are being dropped off or picked up at Sun Blaze Elementary. In the interest of safety, please follow the directions below regarding the drop-off and pick-up of students. The first day of school you may walk your children to class if you wish; however, beginning Friday, August 11, 2023, parents will not be allowed to walk children to class. As you approach our building, please use the crosswalks to safely cross from the parking lot to the sidewalk. To help ensure a safe and secure campus, all side and rear doors will be locked during the school day. Anyone entering the building must do so through the front office. You must present your photo ID at the door before gaining access to the building. 



Morning Drop-off: Enter the parking lot and continue to proceed back and forth through each row of the parking lot until you reach the front of the school. As you approach the unloading area, please pull as far forward as possible before stopping and letting your child/ren out of the vehicle. Please do not allow your children out of the vehicle anywhere other than the car loop area. Students must exit the car on the side closest to the school (or the passenger side of the car). 

Afternoon Pick-up: Student Pick-Up cards for your car windows will be provided by the first day of school or at the time of registration. A card must be displayed in the front window of the car during dismissal. If the card is not in the window, you will need to park and come into the building with your photo ID to pick up your child. The same driving pattern used during morning drop-off will remain in place for afternoon pick-up of students. In order to ensure the safety of students and staff, please refrain from using your cell phones once on campus and follow the instructions of staff members who are directing traffic in the parking lot. Please stop at the designated number given to you by our staff in the parking lot as you pull up to the loading and unloading area. Students must enter the car on the side closest to the school (or the passenger side of the car). 


Students who ride bicycles will follow safety rules including wearing a helmet, walking bikes across major intersections and on school grounds. Students are required to park their bicycles in the provided bike racks. Students should lock their bikes for added security. Sun Blaze will not be held liable for lost or stolen property, which includes bikes, scooters or other modes of transportation. Once at the front of Sun Blaze, bike or scooter riding students should walk their bicycles or scooters on the sidewalk to the bike rack. Scooters are to be locked in the bike rack area outside the school building along with bicycles. Florida State Law requires that students must wear a helmet when riding either a bicycle or a scooter to school. 


Students who ride on an OCPS school bus before or after school will be dropped off and/or picked up at the PE Pavilion in the first entrance of Sun Blaze. The behavior and safety of the students at the bus stop is the parent;s’ responsibility. While on the school bus, students are expected to follow school bus rules and adhere to the OCPS Code of Student Conduct.

* Please use the Find My Bus Link to find out if there is a bus stop in your neighborhood and what bus number picks up there.



Students who rely on transportation from a community daycare center either before or after school will be dropped off or picked up at the bus loop of our school. 


Parents will be responsible for communicating all dismissal changes to your child’s classroom teacher. A signed note must be sent to the classroom teacher in the morning indicating the dismissal change and how long the change will take place. The note must also indicate the dates the dismissal changes take place. Changes in dismissal will not take place unless a signed note has been provided to the classroom teacher. Please note, your child’s teacher may or may not have time to check their email and voicemail during the day. This could cause an issue if the change of dismissal is not received in the morning. 

No student will be released to any person other than the parent/legal guardian, or the individuals listed on the student emergency form. Formal documentation is required to release a child to anyone other than the legal guardians. 

We begin dismissal preparations at 2:30 p.m. Students are not permitted to be signed out after 2:30 p.m. (1:30 p.m. on Wednesdays). Please also consider NOT picking up your child for appointments during their lunch/recess or special area times. When your child is in their homeroom with their teacher it will save you time in receiving them.

Family Rainy Day Plan

Sun Blaze’s Inclement Weather Plan is based on our district’s “Delayed Dismissal Procedures”. The District’s Delayed Dismissal (Weather) procedures are as follows: 

1. Detection: Administration will monitor severe weather conditions. Delayed dismissal goes into effect when lightning is detected within 5 miles. It will last for 30 minutes from the last lightning detection in the area. 

2. Notification to Staff: Administration will notify staff if there is a need for a Delayed Dismissal (Weather) event. 

3. Response: When administrator activates Delayed Dismissal (Weather) procedures, students are brought inside to ensure safety. Staff will lead students in sheltering from the inclement weather. If dismissal is already underway, staff will stop loading of cars and buses. 

4. Notification to Parents: Administrator will send a Connect Orange message to parents that a Delayed Dismissal will take place. Parents who wish to pick up their child/renn during delayed dismissal, will be allowed to sign out their child/ren. You must bring your photo identification or car ID tag to the front office. Adults who are not on the child's emergency pick up list will not be permitted to pick up a student. Bus riders will be delivered home when conditions are all safe for dismissal. 

Please be sure you and your child have a rainy day plan.